Thursday, March 24, 2011

Article 6

Article 6


  1. In the article From the triangle fire to Wisconsin, Rights for Women Workers, Author Brigid O'Farrell comments about the rights that the employer must to give and comply toward the employee.

  2. The article "From the Triangle Fire to Wisconsin, Rights for Women Workers " by Brigid O'Farrell appeared in New Deal 2.0, in which the author narrates the story of Triangle Fire incident followed by how women workers won their right to vote and also celebrating Women's History Month by honoring renowned women icon Eleanor Roosevelt and the triangle Shirtwaist Factory employees.

  3. The article"From the Triangle Fire to Wisconson Rights for Women Workers" written by Brigid O'Farrel shows how life was dificult and dangerous for working women and how Elenor Rosvelt lead the fight for a legislation that would prevent deadly fire like the one in Triangle shirtwaist fire in NYC in 1911.

  4. The article, "From the Triagle Fire to Wisconsin, Rights for Women Workers" by Brigid O'Farrell reported how the movement of women workers' rights occured and spread over the tens of years, and honored Eleanor Roosevelt, the activist for workers' rights.

  5. In the article "From the Triangle Fire to Wisconsin, Rights for women workers," Brigid o'Farrell explains history of women worker's right by providing some examples of Triangle Fire and Eleanor Roosevelt.

  6. The article " From the Triagle Fire to Wisconsin, Rights for Women Workers" by Brigid O'Farrell" reminds working women should notice their rights which are essential and equal to working men and human rights by telling us the tragedy of "Triagle Fire".

  7. In the article “From the Triangle Fire to Wisconsin, Rights for Women Workers”, Brigid O’Farrell explains that since the accident ‘Triangle Shirtwait Fire’ happened, how female workers’ rights has been improved, mentioning the contribution of Eleanor Roosevelt.

  8. According to the article "From the Triangle Fire to Wisconsin, Rights for women workers", Brigid O'Farrell shows us many histories about the struggle for women worker's right, and appeal to us to support the movement by action.

  9. In the article "From The Triangle to Wisconsin, Right for Women Wokers", by Brigid O'farrel, the author explains the difficulties that the women went through 100 years ago, in order to gain their rights as a worker.

  10. The article "From the Triangle to Wisconsin, Rights for Women Wokers" written by brigid O'farrel from Huffpost Politics informs readers how the fighting of the right of workers has been progressing from the origin of the occurrence from the triangle fire and Eleanor Roosevelt's movement for the right.

  11. The article, "From the Triagle Fire to Wisconsin, Rights for Women Workers" by Brigid O'Farrell refers to the historical events of womens right equal treatment and, how women in today's jobs play a big role in soceity.

  12. Brigid O'Farrell in her article "From Wisconsin to the Triangle Fire, Workers Rights for Women" tells how the women, with the passing of the years, have achieved the same rights as men, using as examples incidents of the event called "Triangle Fire" and the actions of Eleanor Roosevelt, President Franklin Roosevelt's wife.

  13. In “From the Triangle Fire to Wisconsin, Rights for Woman Workers”, author Brigid O’ Farrell reports that the processes of woman workers get rights.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The article " From the Triagle Fire to Wisconsin, Rights for Women Workers" by Brigid O'Farrell shows how women were fighting for their rights as a worker in the past 100 years.

  16. The article" From The Triangle Fire To Wisconsin, Rights For Woman Workers", written by Brigid O' Farrell tells about how womens struggle to gain their womens rights over the decade.
