Thursday, March 24, 2011

Article 5

Article 5


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In Children and Divorce published by American Academy of child and Adolescent Psychiatry,the article contends about serious changes that a child will suffer a family break up .

  3. The article "Children and Divorce" taken from American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry informs about the effect of divorce on the children's lives and also provide some helpful advice that both the parents and child can follow to cope with the damage of divorce.

  4. The article "Children and Divorce" which appeared in American Academy of Child and Adoloscent Psychitry describe negative effects divorce has on a children and provides a few good tips on how to minimaize childs sufferinig during and after divorce.

  5. The article "Children and Divorce" by American Academy of Child and Adoloscent Psychitry suggested how to deal with and reduce the negative effects of divorce on children.

  6. The article "Children And Divorce" which written in American Academy Of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry mentions how to avoid worst divorce by giving some guides.

  7. In article "children and Divorce" posted in American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry reports that half of the couples get divorce in the United States and that would impact their children's life. Also the article gives some suggestion to help parents who had these problems.

  8. In the article "Children And Divorce" published by American Academy Of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry shows that divorce has many effects on chidren and gives some advice about how to treat the child who has these kind of problems from divorce.

  9. According to the article “Children And Divorce” written by American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the author notes how children are affected by their parents’ divorce and how to solve the effect.

  10. According to the article "Children And Divorce" published by American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric, the divorce of parents can also affect the kids in many different ways if caution are not taken.

  11. The article which is "Children and Divorce" from American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric says how to carefully explain about the situation of the divorce to children.

  12. The article “Children and Divorce, Fact for Families” by American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, suggest that parents who are going through divorce must talk to their children about the situation. This would make the process less difficult, and in turn reduce the consequences of the divorce on the child’s life.

  13. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry published an article called "Children and Divorce" about the effects and consequences that may suffer the children after the divorce of their parents.

  14. The article “Children and Divorce, Fact for Families” by American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry tells how family divorces can affect the mind of their children and, informs how to with lessen the emotional impact for them.

  15. In the article “Children and Divorce”, the author suggests that divorced parents should pay more attention on their children and help the children get rid of psychological shadow.

  16. The article "Children and Divorce" published by American Academy of child and Adolescent Psychiatry,the author reports the influence on children when they are involved in a divorce,and also give parents some advices to deal with this situation.

  17. The article "Children and Divorce" written by American Academy of chilld and Adolescent Psychiatry, tells how divorce can affect the childhood of childrens, and way to prevent childrens from intense psychological trauma.

  18. The article "Children and Divorce" from American Academy of Child reported how to love and take care to their children after their marrige divorce.
