Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Article 4

Here's an article about gender roles.



  1. In " A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles ", published by New York Times, Author Dunleavey report the importance to be a success women showing that she can do it.

  2. In this article "A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles", M.P. Dunleavey says that gender roles for supporting family is changing in today's society, so women also could perform the breadwinner's role well by refering to her case.

  3. The article"A Bread Winner Rethinks Gender Roles" written by M.P Dunleavey shows some reflections and opinions about equality in her household ,when she become a singleearned.

  4. In the article "A Bread-winner Rethinks Gender Roles" by M.P. Dunleavy which appeared in the New York Times newspaper, the author speaks about how a role of gender in a single-income household has changed where the provider is a woman, and being the sole earner to support a family, women do not get the equality benefit as men do.

  5. The article "A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles" written by M.P. Dunleavey in New York Times is talking about gender roles in family has been changing by feminism, and also she and her hunsband are enjoy being equal in their relationship.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The author, M.P.Dunleavey, in The New York Times article,"A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles" expained that switched gender roles could not be unusual as long as people performed their jobs well, and its rates has also been incresing by adopting the research.

  8. In "A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles," of New York Times, M.P.Dunleavey explains that gender role can be changed by one's economical ability.

  9. According to the article "A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles" by M.P. DUNLEAVEY, published in NewYork times, the anthor shows that the changes of gender roles in our family and society today, which form her own experience.

  10. In the article "A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles" written by M.P. Dunleavey from The new York Times, reports that the time has changed and women are now supporting the house by being the very upper hand of the family.

  11. According to the article “A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles” from The New York Times, the author M.P. Dunleavy thinks that woman with high incomes can, also, be the head of households just like her.

  12. The article which is "A breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles" written ny M.P. Dunleavy from the NYtimes says how women has been undertaking breadwinner in the family and author realized equality means not only sharing income, chore and child care but also all of living part such as domestical part and financial part.

  13. The Article "A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles" By M.P Dunleavy tells the reader about how womans equality is more equal to men in todays soceity from her own perspective.

  14. In the article "A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles" published by the New York Times, the author M. P. Dunleavy, based on studies and own experiences, expresses her opinion about the importance of women as breadwinners and men as househusband.

  15. In the article “A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles”, author M. P. Dunleavey thinks that women become a sole breadwinner of a household and men do traditional women’ s work are acceptable.

  16. The article "A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles" from New York Time,the author M.P. DUNLEAVEY describes a different gander role form the traditional culture,which is woman supports family and man takes care of the domestic chores.

  17. The article "A Breadwinner Rethinkgs Gender Roles" written by M.P. Dunleavey tells that how gender roles between women and men changed in her aspect.

  18. The article "A Breadwinner Rethinkgs Gender Roles" written M.P. Dunleavey shows that she supports the family, and her hunsband supports domestically.
